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Let’s Have A Party
Costumes mandatory. Halloween is the night when Fairies dance, Ghosts, Witches, Devils, Monsters and mischief making Elves wander the earth. It is the night when all sorts of charms and spells are invoked by all young folks (and sometimes by folks who are not so young).
Decorate profusely!
Place Jack-o'-lanterns on tables, mantles, corners, stairs, etc.
A skull and cross bones placed over the door entering the house would be a nice touch. The hall should be in total darkness except for the light coming from the Jack-o'-lanterns of all shapes and sizes in various places. Cobwebs of string may be strung from doorways and across walkways. Skeletons dangling from the doorways.
Autumn leaves, green branches, apples, spiders, gummy worms, ghostly decorations, trolls, gnomes, etc. Black and yellow cheese cloth or crepe paper makes very effective and inexpensive decorations.
For a table centerpiece a large pumpkin could be used with the top cut off and partly filled with water in which a large bunch of yellow chrysanthemums could be placed. Bay leaves can be scattered over the table. Place Cards representing pumpkins, black cats, witches' hats, witches, or monsters.
Another idea for a center piece is a large Jack-o'-lantern, the top cut in large points with small chocolate mice in the notches and scampering down the sides of the pumpkin (held in place by long pins or a little glue) and over the table. Gummy worms would do well here, too.
Another suggestion is to have the hall totally dark with the door ajar and no one in sight to welcome the guests. As they step in they are surprised to be greeted by some one dressed as a ghost who extends his hand which is covered with wet salt.
Be sure to have some scary music playing in the background.
Let’s Play Games
Let several guests be blindfolded. Then hide nuts or apples in various parts of room or house. One finding most nuts or apples wins prize.
Raisin Race:
A raisin is strung in middle of thread a yard long, and two persons take each an end of string in mouth; whoever, by chewing string, reaches raisin first wins.
Apple Suspenders:
Suspend apples by means of strings in doorway or from ceiling at proper height to be caught between the teeth. First successful player receives prize. Candy Necklace:
Thread cheerios, lifesavers, pieces of bread, pieces of cake, etc. and fashion into hoops. Knot each hoop onto a piece of rope which has been strung across the room horizontally. Each child is positioned under the candy hoop and it is set to whirling as they try to grasp its freight with their teeth. First one done wins.
Scavenger Hunt:
In this game the seeker for a prize is guided from place to place by clues. The hunt begins with this rhyme:
"Perhaps you'll find it in the air;
If not, look underneath a chair."
At that everyone will look under their chair. There may or may not be something, but one lucky person will have a clue beneath his chair. Or maybe not! A good idea to hide under a chair within the room, but not where a child is sitting. With that the fun begins. They must hunt for clues.
Upon finding the correct chair he finds the following:
"No, you will not find it here;
Search the clock and have no fear."
Under the clock he finds:
"You will have to try once more;
Look behind the parlor door."
Tied to the doorknob he discovers:
"If it's not out in the stable.
Seek beneath the kitchen table."
Under the kitchen table he finds another note, which reads:
"If your quest remains uncertain,
You will find it 'neath a curtain."
And here his quest is rewarded by finding the prize.
Apple seeds are considered charms on Halloween. Stick one on each eyelid and name one "Home" and the other "Travel." If seed named travel stays on longer, you will go on a journey before year expires. If "Home" clings better, you will remain home. Again, take all the apple seeds, place them on back of outspread left hand and with loosely clenched right hand strike palm of left. This will cause some, if not all, of seeds to fall. Those left on hand show number of visitors you will receive before the years‘ end. Should all seeds drop, you must prepare to be very lonely.
Bob for Apples:
This is messy, but a lot of fun.
And, best performed outside!
Place apples and water in a big barrel or bucket.
Have the kids bob until they successfully bring up an apple.
The Teeny-Tiny Woman
THERE was once upon a time a teeny-tiny woman who lived in a teeny-tiny house in a teeny-tiny village. Now, one day this teeny-tiny woman put on her teeny-tiny bonnet, and went out of her teeny-tiny house to take a teeny-tiny walk. And when this teeny-tiny woman had gone a teeny-tiny way, she came to a teeny-tiny gate; so the teeny-tiny woman opened the teeny-tiny gate, and went into a teeny-tiny churchyard. And when this teeny-tiny woman had got into the teeny-tiny churchyard, she saw a teeny-tiny bone on a teeny-tiny grave, and the teeny-tiny woman said to her teeny-tiny self: "This teeny-tiny bone will make me some teeny-tiny soup for my teeny-tiny supper." So the teeny-tiny woman put the teeny-tiny bone into her teeny-tiny pocket, and went home to her teeny-tiny house.
Now, when the teeny-tiny woman got home to her teeny-tiny house, she was a teeny-tiny tired; so she went up her teeny-tiny stairs to her teeny-tiny bed, and put the teeny-tiny bone into a teeny-tiny cupboard. And when this teeny-tiny woman had been to sleep a teeny-tiny time, she was awakened by a teeny-tiny voice from the teeny-tiny cupboard, which said:
"give me my bone!"
And this teeny-tiny woman was a teeny-tiny frightened, so she hid her teeny-tiny head under the teeny-tiny clothes, and went to sleep again. And when she had been asleep again a teeny-tiny time, the teeny-tiny voice cried out from the teeny-tiny cupboard a teeny-tiny louder—
This made the teeny-tiny woman a teeny-tiny more frightened, so she hid her teeny-tiny head a teeny-tiny farther under the teeny-tiny clothes. And when the teeny-tiny woman had been asleep again a teeny-tiny time, the teeny-tiny voice from the teeny-tiny cupboard said again a teeny-tiny louder—
At this the teeny-tiny woman was a teeny-tiny bit more frightened; but she put her teeny-tiny head out of the teeny-tiny clothes, and said in her loudest teeny-tiny voice—
The Spider and The Flea
A SPIDER and a Flea dwelt together in one house, till one day, when the Spider was stirring their soup in a pot and she fell in and scalded herself. Thereupon the Flea began to scream. And then the door asked: "Why are you screaming, Flea?"
"Because little Spider has scalded herself in the soup pot," replied she.
Thereupon the door began to creak as if it were in pain; and a broom, which stood in the corner, asked, "What are you creaking for, door?"
"May I not creak?" it replied:
"The little Spider's scalt herself,
And the Flea weeps."
So the broom began to sweep industriously, and presently a little cart came by, and asked the reason.
"May I not sweep?" replied the broom:
"The little Spider's scalt herself,
And the Flea weeps;
The little door creaks with the pain,"—
Thereupon the little cart said: "So will I run," and began to run very fast, past a heap of ashes, which cried out: "Why do you run, little cart?"
"Because," replied the cart:
"The little Spider's scalt herself,
And the Flea weeps;
The little door creaks with the pain,
And the broom sweeps."
"Then," said the ashes, "I will burn furiously." Now, next the ashes there grew a tree, which asked: "Little heap, why do you burn?"
"Because," was the reply:
"The little Spider's scalt herself,
And the Flea weeps;
The little door creaks with the pain,
And the broom sweeps;
The little cart runs on so fast,"
Thereupon the tree cried, "I will shake myself!" and went on shaking till all its leaves fell off.
A little girl passing by with a water pitcher saw it shaking, and asked: "Why do you shake yourself, little tree?"
"Why may I not?" said the tree:
"The little Spider's scalt herself,
And the Flea weeps;
The little door creaks with the pain,
And the broom sweeps;
The little cart runs on so fast,
And the ashes burn."
Then the maiden said: "If so, I will break my pitcher," and she threw it down and broke it.
At this the streamlet, from which she drew the water, asked:
"Why do you break your pitcher, my little girl?"
"Why may I not?" she replied; for
"The little Spider's scalt herself,
And the Flea weeps;
The little door creaks with the pain,
And the broom sweeps;
The little cart runs on so fast,
And the ashes burn;
The little tree shakes down its leaves.
Now it is my turn!"
"Ah, then," said the streamlet, "now must I begin to flow." And it flowed and flowed along, in a great stream, which kept getting bigger and bigger, until at last it swallowed up the little girl, the little tree, the ashes, the cart, the broom, the door, the Flea, and, last of all, the Spider, all together.
The Mouse and The Sausage
ONCE upon a time a little mouse and a little sausage, who loved each other like sisters, decided to live together, and made their arrangements in such a way that every day one would go to walk in the fields, or make purchases in town, while the other remained at home to keep the house.
One day, when the little sausage had prepared cabbage for dinner, the little mouse, who had come back from town with a fine appetite, enjoyed it so greatly that she exclaimed: "How delicious the cabbage is today, my dear!"
"Ah!" answered the little sausage, "that is because I popped myself into the pot while it was cooking."
On the next day, as it was her turn to prepare the meals, the little mouse said to herself: "Now I will do as much for my friend as she did for me; we will have lentils for dinner, and I will jump into the pot while they are boiling," and she let the action follow the word, without reflecting that a simple sausage can do some things which are out of the reach of even the wisest mouse.
When the sausage came home, she found the house lonely and silent. She called again and again, "My little mouse! My friend?" but no one answered. Then she went to look at the lentils boiling on the stove, and, alas! found within the pot her good little friend, who had perished at her duty.
Poor mousie, with the best intentions in the world, had stayed too long at her cookery, and when she desired to climb out of the pot, had no longer the strength to do so.
And the poor sausage could never be consoled! That is why today, when you put one in the pan or on the grill, you will hear her weep and sigh, "M-my p-poor m-mouse! Ah, m-my p-poor m-mouse!"
Let’s Pretend
Halloween is all about Roll Playing. No one is what they seem and everyone is something else!!!
Halloween Costumes from Costume Craze

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Have fun
See you next month.
A Final Thought
What is the worst weather for rats and mice?
—When it rains cats and dogs.
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Raggedy Ann Cloth Doll 18" by Madame Alexander
Raggedy Andy Cloth Doll 18" by Madame Alexander