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Nursery-Rhymes-Fun News, Issue #107 -- March 15, 2016 |
Tessie, Tottie and Teddy were also known as the “Three Tiny T’s” and this is their story. CHAPTER I "Listen," whispered Tessie, "I've got a secret to tell you; snuggle up so nobody'll hear!" Tottie squeezed up close to her little sister, and Teddy shoved himself along the piazza seat until all three were packed as tight as little sardines. "What is it?" asked Tottie. "Hurry up and tell," whispered Teddy, hugging Tessie's arm, while Tottie squeezed her hand with her little fat fingers. "S-s-sh!" replied Tessie, "s-s-sh!" "Tessie!" called mother's voice, "Tessie, come here, I want you to run down to the grocer." "Oh, dear!" sighed the three tiny T's. "Now we’ll never know the secret," cried Teddy. Tessie jumped up quickly and ran inside the house, closely followed by Tottie and Teddy. "You can wear your roller skates," said mother, "and Teddy can put on his and go with you, if he wishes." In a few minutes the skates were strapped on each impatient little foot, and mother's darling messengers were gliding down the front walk. "Be very careful not to break the eggs," said mother, as she stood in the doorway watching them go out of the gate. "Hold the bag tight and don't go fast on the way home."
CHAPTER II Tessie and Teddy skated along smoothly on their errand for mother. The roller skates behaved very well, and did not try to race with each other, so that neither little messenger had a fall, or even a bump against anybody on the sidewalk who did not get out of the way in time. The fat grocer man said good morning very pleasantly, and gave them each a little animal cracker. Tessie told him what she wanted, and while he was counting out the eggs and putting them in the bag, she stroked his big tiger cat, who lay half asleep on the top of the sugar barrel. "Here you are, Miss," said the grocer man, handing the package to Tessie, "and be careful, little man," he added, turning to Teddy, "that you don't run into sister and upset her—you won't have any eggs if you do!" "Of course not," replied Teddy, biting off the hind legs of his buffalo cracker. "I'll take care," and both children wabbled over the floor and through the doorway out onto the sidewalk. Everything went along beautifully. Teddy kept well behind so that Tessie would have plenty of room, and the distance was half over, when something happened. About a block from the house, the sidewalk ran down a small hill. Although Tessie had time and again coasted down without the slightest trouble, today it seemed as if she were going very much faster than usual. Perhaps she was a little worried over the bag of eggs. At any rate, all of a sudden her feet behaved very badly, and before she could help it, one foot went off to one side and Tessie did, too. Down she went in a heap. Crash! smash! mash! there were scrambled eggs all over the walk! . Tessie turned a frightened glance towards Teddy who just came up. "O dear me! How shall I ever explain to mother?" cried poor little Tessie.
CHAPTER III After Tessie and Teddy arrived home they hunted around for mother to tell her the awful news, and how sorry they were that the bag of eggs was lying out on the sidewalk in funny yellow patches, with bits of broken shell strewn all around. About half an hour later Tessie was telling her little kitten what mother had said. "And, Pussy dear," confided Tessie, "don't you ever try to carry any robin's eggs down from the nest. If you do, you'll find you get sliding faster and faster, and before you reach the ground your foot will slip and down you'll come with a crash!" Pussy looked up out of the corners of her blinky green eyes but said nothing. "And maybe your mother won't be so nice about it," added Tessie. "My mother didn't scold me 'cause when I 'splained how my skate nearly came off and tripped me up she just wiped my eyes, 'cause I felt awful sorry, and told me not to cry about it anymore, and by and by she gave us all a lump of sugar." Just then puss jumped through the low open window and skipped over the lawn. Tessie stepped out on the piazza to see what she was about. At the foot of the old apple tree pussy stopped and then ran up the trunk and out on a limb. "I do believe," exclaimed Tessie, "that she is going to try to bring down some eggs from the robin's nest." "What did my little girl say?" asked mother, who came out on the porch at that moment. When Tessie explained it all, mother laughed and said, "Why, there aren't any eggs now in that nest, little girl—don't you know all the little robins were hatched long ago?" "Well, I don't believe pussy knows it," answered Tessie, "for there she is now looking into the nest—how disappointed she'll be!" Soon enough pussy gave up and ran off to the barn. She most likely thought it was more fun in the hay loft hunting for mice than waiting for birds eggs to appear. At any rate, she didn't come back, and by and by it was time for the children to go for luncheon. I don't know whether pussy heard the bell or not, but she came in from the barn in time to get her saucer of milk before the children had finished. "Pussy never has to bother with buttons," said Tessie, looking over at Tottie, and smiling. "No," answered Tottie, "'cause she has only fur." "I wish I had fur," said Tessie. "I do so dislike buttons. They are such a chore." The three tiny T's all laughed in agreement. "Perhaps mother will make us each a furry coat," said Tottie. "With no buttons!" said Tessie. "Oh, how fun that would be," said Teddy.
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