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Nursery-Rhymes-Fun News, Issue #182
April 03, 2021

Hello again. Can you believe we're into April already? Yes, sir, and here's your April Newsletter to prove it. We all love kittens, I'm sure. And this month we have a cute little story about a family of Kittens. Enjoy!

We wish you and your family a very Happy Easter.

We're also introducing our new line of coloring books this month. There's a brief description in your story. If you're in the market for a coloring book or two, just click within the pdf and it's take you over to amazon for more info on each book. I love art. Don't you?

Don't forget to check out our online stores. Lots of books, printables, and more.

You can find them here:


See you next month with a brand new story.

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